Friday, February 15, 2013



Aphasia is a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain that control language. It can make it hard for you to read, write, and say what you mean to say. It is most common in adults who have had a stroke. Brain tumors, infections, injuries, and dementia can also cause it. The type of problem you have and how bad it is depends on which part of your brain is damaged and how much damage there is.
There are four main types:
  • Expressive aphasia - you know what you want to say, but you have trouble saying or writing what you mean
  • Receptive aphasia - you hear the voice or see the print, but you can't make sense of the words
  • Anomic aphasia - you have trouble using the correct word for objects, places, or events
  • Global aphasia - you can't speak, understand speech, read, or write
Some people recover from aphasia without treatment. Most, however, need language therapy as soon as possible.


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions.
It's the most common cause of dementia — a group of brain disorders that results in the loss of intellectual and social skills. These changes are severe enough to interfere with day-to-day life.
In Alzheimer's disease, the connections between brain cells and the brain cells themselves degenerate and die, causing a steady decline in memory and mental function.
Current Alzheimer's disease medications and management strategies may temporarily improve symptoms. This can sometimes help people with Alzheimer's disease maximize function and maintain independence.
But because there's no cure for Alzheimer's disease, it's important to seek supportive services and tap into your support network as early as possible.

Technophiles vs technophobes

Technophiles and technophobes disagree on the relationship between real world and virtual world in the XXI century as tore Byzantium in the eighth century, who fought iconodules iconoclasts and the relationship between the divine world and its visual representations.

Technophiles think technology ultimately decisive: on it, will be modeled attitudes and institutions. It is a liberating force necessarily: the old limitations we imposed our physical, mental or social will be exceeded.
To his supporters, the technique extend the capabilities of our senses and our minds, freed of the need. To the tune of "Tomorrow we can ..." Tomorrow we can communicate faster, instant access to the object of his desire to explore all the archives, escape all censure, gather all the brains, to dispense with all the burdens of the material. This project takes shape in an information society, and libertarian technician at a time. Facing them, think in terms of catastrophic loss: loss of humanity in favor of instrumental reason, loss of critical distance for the benefit of the fascination, loss of identity in a world of virtuality, loss of reality replaced by the show loss of freedom subject to the logical techniques, loss of writing defeated by the screen ...

The technophile certain to be in the direction of history, generally ignores the objections, which he attributes to ignorance, or an archaic mentality. Overflowing with good will teaching, it does not fail to point out to his opponent that he is at liberty to speak or even to create virtual communities of technophobes cyber-complainers. He argues that in there is room for anyone who wants to open up the universal and for anyone who wants to confine themselves within the borders of his clan, the cyber welcome all including its critical discourse He strongly believes that any cohabitation with all the movement and expansion will continue. The rejection of new technologies as a matter of taste or culture, a relatively insignificant trend and sentenced to long-term stiffening or crisis accommodation. The utopian, inhabited by a spirit willing messianic attempts to share the enthusiasm he felt for any new network growth or announcement of a technological innovation. He therefore saw little danger in the opposition as he feels in a position covered by the sense of history.

The catastrophic, he, thinks in terms of struggle and imagine resisting the system. He denounces an opposing ideology which he fights inauthenticity. For, if he fears the loss of our independence or our abilities, attributes the catastrophic in a large part of responsibility in opposing discourse. He often addressed as a language of power, designed to conceal the power relations and special interest as a universal project.


This word refers to a recent fear of technology (taken here not in the sense of "study techniques" but all these techniques, in particular ICT). Technophobia is often used trivially to mock those who are unable to use their computer, or develop irrational fears about the Internet. In fact there are several degrees in this "aversion" .. One is distinguished by: the inability or choice not to use ICT in their life. At this point, it is a trait or behavior reflecting the subjectivity of an individual who surfs the Internet or not, or prefer to write by hand ...

A second form of technophobia is a general assessment of the usefulness of ICT, especially Internet in particular; Some, for example, emphasize the dangers of the Internet - risk of fraud, proliferation of pornography or extremist speech, ability to chain failures, espionage of privacy ... or are technophobes - wrongly or rightly - those who are skeptical of all the wonders qu'espèrent the "technophiles" confident about the future of the company's Information: productivity gains, new economy, availability of information, emergence of e-democracy in the "global village", new possibilities of expression and culture. This techno-there is some assessment of benefit or harm of future developments in technology and their social, political ... The difference between "for" and "against" focuses on the likelihood of events in which both are essentially the same trial.

Would then define a technophobia "in principle": that which rejects the very notion of a progression of techniques. Would meet this definition the attitude of some environmentalists who condemn greed as a manifestation of unnecessary any action of man to increase his powers.

Others denounce in new technology, not an increase in our capacity but an enslavement or alienation. They attack the character of the inauthentic world of networks: false equality, false democracy, false knowledge, false report with the other short, false promises and real alienation. Manifested by nostalgia for what they believe to lose: the common experience of life and its rhythms, the territory that allowed everyone to be between near and far, that of shared memory, that of the identity in the age of cybernetic avatars, virtual communities and changing lifestyle choices ...

In some respects, the quarrel between technophiles and technophobes remember quarrels older: for or against the image in the monotheistic religions, for or against the theater in the eighteenth century (the quarrel of the show), for or against the mass media in the twentieth ...

Windows XP Easter Egg - Hidden Meaning in Xp
Do you know what is the "XP" in Windows XP? Get the answer easily!

1. Go to Control Panel, then Display.
2. Select "3D flying objects" in Screensavers.
3. Click "Settings".
4. Than select "Textured flag" in Style.
5. Click OK without selecting any texture.
6. Click Preview. You must get the answer!

Windows XP Easter Egg - Windows Speaks Slang
1. Go to control panel
2. Open up the "speech" properties
3. In the preview box, type "Crotch"
4. Press "preview voice"

Instead of saying "crotch", the voice will say "Crow's nest".

Parameters that may be irrelevant:
I'm using Windows XP SP2 native, and the voice i'm using is Microsoft Sam